Federal Projects » Federal Projects

Federal Projects

Fall 2024 ESSER 3.0 Expenditures:
Gym Bleacher Renovations-$335,000.00
Auditorium Sound and Lighting Renovations-$43,000.00
Asbestos Removal in 2 buildings-$20,300.00
Flooring Replacement in 2 buildings-$77,681.82
Educational Assistant Stipends for After School Tutoring-$2,842.17
Drones for STEM Lab-$9,955.04

Spring ESSER Expenditures 
Recent purchases include tables purchased for the greenhouse and a schoolwide speaker training session for staffulty and students. 
The bleacher renovation for late summer has been approved. Additional chromebooks were purchased for student use; bathroom hand dryers; classroom interventionist
ESSER 2.0-  recent expenditures include VOIP updates
May ESSER Expenditures 
ESSER 2.0- STEM Externships planned for late May and early June
                    Bathrooms stalls to be be updated in the next few weeks
ESSER 3.0-Paying for educational assistant
                   STEM supplies
                   Math textbooks
                   Plans underway for gym bleacher renovation
Final expenditures for the school year include:
Bathroom Stall Replacements
STEM Externships
April ESSER 3.0- expenditures include:
STEM supplies
Educational Assistant Salary
After School Tutoring

December ESSER Expenditures 
ESSER 2.0- Disposables for food service; upgrading Intercom system
ESSER 3.0-Interactive Panels for teachers have arrived and training is taking place in the next couple of weeks; STEM Lab furniture has arrived

November ESSER Expenditures 
ESSER 2.0- Disposables for food service; materials for upcoming STEM night; upgrade wiring for Internet capability
ESSER 3.0-Interactive Panels for teachers have arrived; furniture for STEM Lab has been ordered
September ESSER Expenditures
ESSER 2.0-updating wiring for better Internet capability
ESSER 3.0-interactive technology panels for teachers are due to arrive in October
August ESSER Expenditures
ESSER 2.0- STEM Summer externships, Food service( disposable items)
ESSER 3.0-  in the process of purchasing interactive panels for all teachers to aid instruction